FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government

Follow Us On Social Media

Follow us on social media

Make sure you are following First Mid on social media to stay up to date on company news, consumer alerts, new job openings, employee engagement in the community, financial tips, and more.

Find our First Mid Bank & Trust pages on six social media platforms!


We have pages for First Mid Insurance Group and First Mid Wealth Management business lines on Facebook and LinkedIn:

• First Mid Insurance Group Facebook Page
First Mid Insurance Group LinkedIn Page
First Mid Wealth Management Facebook Page
First Mid Wealth Management LinkedIn Page
First Mid Ag

We have individual Mortgage Facebook pages for the following lenders:

Northern Illinois & Southern Wisconsin
Kristi Amenda
Jared Fewell
Rob Grindle & Warren Swanberg
Joe Magnelli
Rachel Oracki
Kelly Pospischil
Shantrese Zackery

• Central Illinois
Kayla Aaron
Kim Weaver
Austin Hernandez
Dena Clifton
John Vasquez
Hilary Peters
Donica Softley
Alec Evans

Metro East Illinois
Tricia Buehne
Richard Coolbaugh
Scott Gruber
Jamie Jackson
Patty Wooff
Carlos Banks

Southern Illinois
Duane Gulley

St. Louis
Erica Pallardy
Kathleen Spies

• Mid-Missouri
Laura Brownfield
Michael Love

Carlos Castillo

We also have individual Senior Solutions Insurance Facebook pages for the following agents:

• Matthew Barnes
Mike Hurm

We also have social media pages for our Agency Finance division:

First Mid Agency Finance Facebook
First Mid Agency Finance LinkedIn